Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In svr 2009 how do u perform the bronco buster i have the move he just wont do it?

It depends on what control did you put it up it the X on? the Triangle on? or maybe you put it in the Finisher slot.if you can still remember it.

What does this quote mean?

This day I breathed first: time is come round, And where I did begin, there shall I end; My life is run his comp. Its from the play Julius Caesar.

Python: Blackjack game. How do I give the player and computer their hands?

I've defined the suit and values of the cards in tuples. I'm having trouble with the code for dealing the cards. I want the codes to be in tuples too. Help?

Angela's Ashes: Father's affect of maturity on Frankie?

I have to write a paper on Angela's Ashes, and I sort of want to talk about how the father of the story really sort of made Frankie grow faster than he should have as a child. There was a lot of worry in is life, and he felt like he had to take responsibility and then when his father left he sort of had to step up. I need a few examples from the book though. Just a few good examples of his increased maturity due to his father. Any ideas?

Gay Marriage question - German Immagration to USA?

If I were to marry a non us citizen in Machusetts.. Would it be recignised enough for him to become a US Citizen? Likewise, If I married him (I am a legal US Citizen) while in germany, Could he move back to the US after a time?

I sent a package here from Hawaii to my son in Siquijor Province last March 10, 2011.?

It is already been more than a month and still he had not receive it. The main post office had not even contacted me here in Hawaii or to my son in Siquijor Province as to what happened. It was my third box already. But the first two boxes arrived less than 3 months. All boxes have the same items on them like shoes, shirts, pants and addresses both for adult and a baby girl that were on sale here. That box was supposed to be a birthday present for our granddaughter who celebrated her first birthday last April 19, 2011. Sadly, she had not wore her birthday dress. Can you please give me a contact number of the Philippine Main Office so that I can call them and ask about it? Hopefully you will really give me a real contact number because I had noticed in previous requests that you had not given them a contact number. In this way, we can say that you really is reliable and that can really help us. Mailing a box from US is not cheap and the items in it involved money even if they are just sale items here. So, I hope you can help me.

From Babbling to Speaking...?

my daughter is 6mths..she says Hey..and holds up her is soooo funny, and she cries for dada when he comes home and doesn't come see her right away..or if I wipe her nose.

English Lesson 12-2 Quiz Help Insighters?

you havent even bothered to specify which book you're talking about.copy pasting your questions wont help you p your grade.move your big bum

What ways can make our stomach Flat?

Hi,im mandy..i would like to knw how to flat my fatty stomach..whole part of my body are just fine stomach so do u guys have any solution to make it flat or wedside i can see more detail|??

Is it okay to line a crochet blanket?

I wouldn't know why not. I line crochet purses with fabric. I think what will happen is it will look crocheted on one side and fleece on the other.

A folder in one of my directory automatically gets created on my desktop why?

I have a folder named FAREWELL-O8 in my F: drive, but an empty folder of the same name gets created on my desktop as well. I deleted it many times, but still it gets created again. why?

2000 elections fraudulent commercials?

Were there any commercials in Florida after the 2000 elections that ured the public all the votes were counted? I'm asking this because when I went to Mexico in 2006 the IFE (Federal Electoral Institute) had commercials every other break that ured Mexicans that the election wasn't fraudulent.

Who is a better linebacker Demeco Ryans or Patrick Willis?

i say demeco ryans all day what damn beast! hell yeah and im a die hard texans fan. thoughts and opinions?

When you search for Fergie images on google,why does related searches shows keyword Fergie pee?

becausee it was a ppopular search because she peed her pants on stage 4 years ago or somthing hahaha

When do you smile like monalisa?

good question: me, i smile at my kids, (i have 2 boys) when they are trying to do something and after trying and failing they finally succeed.........priceless!!

What should I do to after lying to my friends and they discovered the truth?

the truth will always should have just been upfront with them.if you thought of them as true friend then you would have known they would have been ok with you wanting to do it that way.

I'm going to malaysia this summer. any advice?

am i going to have language difficulties there? how about malaysians? are they a bunch of friendly people?

So you bite into a yummy red apple and...?

I prefer pink lady (which happen to be pink) or granny smith (which are green) apple so... that scenario will never happen to me

Do you think if Palestine was liberated today that the Middle East would heal itself?

Now that's a poser, I thought the problem in the Middle East was the war in Iraq? Am I missing something that the current administration in the US is trying to keep from me? Maybe I've been pre-occupied with the Anna Nicole Smith scandal. God I hate the main stream media.

Has he changed??! does he truly like me?

so me n this guy dated in 9th grade but he cheated on me & i broke up with him. were now both out high school and strtn college dis fall ..i hadnt tlked to him in lke 6 mnths ( we go to the same church so we see each other) anyway he strtd txtn me saying he misses me and lkes me alot. hes really sweet and said i can call him anytime and he wuld do anythn for me and last nite i fell asleep & woke up to a voicemail frm him sayn he hopes i have a goodnite and he will txt me tmrrw lke super sweet. but im scared tht he wiill cheat on me again . do u think he has changed??

What do you think of this girls feet?

You might think this is weird but I developed my foot from sucking my girl cousins toes one day.She started sucking mine then I returned the favor by sucking hers and I liked it so much that I med my pants.Ever since then I developed a foot .

Did anyone else notice the logic error on "American Idol" on Thursday night, Feburary 26?

you are right, I thought it was strange too. They tried to change things up a bit, and it didn't work, it was just awkward.

How do I wash a down quilt?

Today I am doing a little housecleaning and am washing my bed-covers. I have a a quilt-like feather cover that goes under my sheets and over the mattress. I looked for tags but there were none. I'm pretty sure it can machine-wash but I was wondering what cycle and for how long to wash it.

I need a new part-time job...I'm 16 n need ideas of where to apply?

I already tried publix...n prior i hd bn workin at state,,,theres like no jobs fr teens r age

What should I serve for a birthday brunch?

I saw the fruit, and since watermelon is so good right now, how about some of that? Also, the ceroles all have pork in them. Is that OK with everybody? If there are people watching cholesterol, BP, etc, maybe a lower fat entree choice. for me and my crowd it sounds PERFECT, tho'. have a big ole' time and happy birthday

Fantasy football help?

I have a runningback problem. I'm starting michael turner but should i start lendale white, marion barber or steve slaton

Funny translation of farsi expressions into english ;)) , farsi speakers look.?

hi,all of them are idiomatically and dont use from day to day and by every body Dont look at me left-left is wrong and true term for it is Nasty look,My liver burned is wrong its heart-rending,Despite the neighbor"s chicken is goose is fuuny.good luck.

Is it true that ozone layer on the earth will be fully disappeard after 7or8 years?

No that is not true. Do some more research and you will find that the uproar over the hole in the ozone is mostly over, as the "hole" apparently is closing. Some attribute this to the reduction in fluorocarbon production, no more freon in air conditioners.,, and use and others attribute it to natural activities and cycles. But evidence shows the Ozone is safe

Does anyone regret voting for Obama?

Just by Obama considering hilary for Secretary of state or something? Something about Obama you didn't realize before? Please don't give me ignorant answers like "your a moron" I really am curious so try to be adults about it!

Gifts and date ideas for three year anniversary?

We have been dating for three years, were both 18 and just graduated so were living at home, I dont have a ton of money but I really want to get him something special. Its still a little less then two months away, so I still have time to order stuff online. Ive already got us tickets to a football game and I got him an engraved flask, but I need something else to make it complete. We both also have no idea what to do for our anniversary, so any nice romantic ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Do you think this way to help zoo's that are having financial difficulties would work.?

A lot of zoo's know are having trouble with their budgets and it is hurting the quality of care that they can give to the animals. also at the same time animal shelters are over crowded and having to put down dags and cats every day. wouldn't it then make sense to feed the carnivorous animals such as lions, tigers, alligators and ect.. the cats and dogs that the shelters would be putting down. This would alleviate some of the budget cost buy not having too buy food and would help with the over crowding as well.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What is the name of this children's educational show from the 1970s or 80s?

It was a math or counting show for younger kids. I remember watching it in 1st grade, in 1985 (but it was probably a rerun at that time; I remember it looking old at the time). They used to count toy cars and pencils, etc. I feel like the theme had something to do with trains, or maybe one of the kids on the show wore a conductor's hat or something. It's driving me nuts!

What is the formation of two cells from one existing cell??!?

The process of one cell splitting into two is called binary fission. As for the other questions, those belong in separate categories

How do i get my girlfriend infatuated with me?

alright, well im pretty sure my girlfriend is a succubus...if you don't know what that is look it up. shes incredibly hot but she says really hurtful things to me and i think Satan possesses her soul. So, how to get her to be not evil for a little while at least? that may sound cruel but compared to her, this is a drop in the bucket..shes hard to approach sometimes....most of the time... and i think shes cheating on me anyway so basically i just need ideas on how to do this.

Does wearing braces hurt? ?

I've never had to wear them myself, but when I think about what braces are suppose to do it gives me the willies. Granted I'm sure everyone appreciates having strait teeth and it is worth it, but they just seem like they would be painful.

What does cher' mean when someone told me goodnight cher'?

a guy i've been talking to said " goodnight cher' " a few minutes ago on aim... and i'm not sure what cher' means?? haha any enlightenment and genuine thoughts? thanks!

A blonde, brunette, and a redhead.......................…

A blonde, brunette, and a redhead were marrooned on a dessert island with no way of getting home. They were walking along the beach when they saw a bottle with a cork in it, they cracked open the bottle and a genie popped out, he said, 'sorry girls, bit of a struggle at the mo and i can only give you one wish each', the brunette quickly said 'ooh i wish i was a thousand times smarter than i already am so i can think of a way to get off this island'. The genie, without hesitation, flicked his wrist and boom! The brunnette swelled up like a balloon and floated across the water to safety. The redhead said 'ok i wish i was a million times smarter than her' and with a flick of his wrist and boom the genie granted her wish and she too swelled up like a balloon and floated across the water to safety. The blonde, having just witnessed what happened said 'ok i wish i was a million times smarter than both of them put together'. Boom, she turned into a man and walked across the bridge.

Survival of the fittest?

If we are good, cant we survive in this cunning world? Of course, exception like gandhi,therasa were there! But practically, society not allow us to settle in a cool mind!how could we survive?or i can ask, how can we face the bad persons in our life?how could i have to manage a rough and strong person if am a soft hearted!

Why does Israel want to bring new terrorist's attacks on US soil ?

If supporting an ally of 60 years, who have NEVER attacked us, is enough to convince a terrorist to commit another atrocity against Americans, that shows the mentality and lack of honor that has become the overwhelming worldwide view of Islamic fundamentalists in general. You choose to see a condemnation of terrorist activity as a provocation toward two countries who CLAIM they have NO involvement in the rocket attacks. This is the definition of disingenuousness and dishonor. A badge that many Middle Easterners wear with pride.

Hey chicken owners i got a problem help?

Ok i got a hen that since i've had it has laid some pretty funky eggs, biggest thing is thin shells sometimes she poops them out while on roost, sometimes they are so thin they will break when she lays them lately they have been not only thin but very rough and have a wrinkled look to them now today no egg and she's out there like she's egg bound you can see her like she is trying to poop but can't i'm feeding layers pellet with plenty of water ,oyster shell, and grit,so don't even go there, if it is egg bound what can i do, what say you?

MCR!! How early should I get there?

I have tickets to a My Chemical Romance concert at the the Lifestyle Communities Pavillion in Columbus, Ohio on Sunday May 4th. The doors open at 6pm, it is an outdoor venue, standing only. I don't need to be directly in front of the stage, but how early should I arrive to get a decent spot and view? This is my first concert.

My bf broke up with me!!!!!i want him back help!!?

ok so a week ago my bf and i went to a car show, and when we got there i saw my best guy friend. my bf(chris) and guy friend(marcus) dont like each other at all, but my bf trusts me enough to let me hang out with him from time to time(i have no romantic feelings for marcus at all). anyways he saw me and came over and gave me a hug then a kiss on the cheek. my bf flipped out and it almost turned into a fight but i pulled him away and walked away with my guy friend so i could let him calm down and thought some alone time for him would be good. anyways its been 5 days and he hasnt answered my texts and calls. today he calls me at says were over and he wants to come over and pick up his stuff. i dont want to break up weve been going out 5 months and i love him please what should i do? my friend said i chose my guy friend over my bf when i walked away with him but i didnt mean that!!!! i just wanted to let him calm wont listen to me when i try to explain.

How come greyhound buses have backward u.s. flags?

like in this picture a href=",r:0,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is there any way to get internet explorer to do spell check like Firefox does?

As you are typing, Firefox will check it for you and underline misspelled words, is there any way to get IE to do this as well? I run IE7.

Who should apologize first?? (even though i already did)?

u did nothing wrong you dont even have to oppologize that many times its not your fault neither your parrents is just didnt happen they should just understand .

Pretty please?! need urgent help!?

OMG ! If you took the time looking up the answers in your book that it must have taken to type all this technical material, you would be done by now~

Am I looking at this the wrong way? Boy friend/ Girl friend/ Just friend matter.?

i'd just try and set up some time for the two of you to hang out before your gone...thats all you really can do...your friends...even if you like her....just set up a time and date or something instead of just calling randomly to see what shes doing

85' bronco brake question?

Looked at a bronco yesterday that someone is selling on craigslist and i took it for a drive and when i pressed the brake down it makes a big air hissing noise. i asked the guy why and he said it had air brakes. hes he telling the truth or does a hose have a hole in it or the booster going out? if so how much would a new booster be. im really interested it the bronco

My Koi Pond Water Has Turned To Sewage Water, Please Help?!?!?

Ask this in fish. Iwish i could help but I have never owned a pond, only fishtanks and even that was a many moon ago.

Shouldn't the media concentrate on more important problems?

Media is comprised of normal people who fear for their lives, like all of us.At the end of the day they have to return to their homes.They wouldn't do anything that would damage their reputation or endanger their lives.But Tehelka is an exception.

Math Story Problem?!?

You forgot to mention how many seconds it travels for...therefor this question is impossible right now but if you edit it in I can answer.

I'm getting puppy what would be a good breed for me?

Golden retrievers are kind, loyal, loving, and have a load of energy in them. But they don't require that much and can snuggle up to you a lot of the day. But they need to be entertained all through the day, so if your not there they might decide to chew on something. So get it a toy to play with while you're gone.

Can your IQ be your downfall?

I have an IQ of 129 - its mostly slightly above average, but my biggest problem is that I get bored easily. I spend more time reading books, because the different worlds provide an escape for me - I fall into a book and literally "live" the story. I read the final Harry Potter book in 4hours. I read most novels in 2/.3 hours. I love travelling and sports, but battle to work in an office environment. I know that IQ doesn't mean that I can be an accountant (which I wouldn't want anyway). I am a creative person - I love writing and creating things. I love reading and see the world as my oyster. I have never done an aptitute test, but have spent most of my 25 years wondering what I should do. I can do anything - but not everything makes me happy. What should I do?

Monday, August 15, 2011

I want a fohawk but down where can i get pics?

Well i know the Drummer in Kelly Clarkson has a Fohawk but its not up like pointy but its down like no gell or anything i cant find ANY pictures and i really want my hair cut....could anyone give me some picutres of hair styles like a fohawk but down or anyhting that looks good. thanx.

Why does Brian Scalabrine have more rings than these Future/Hall of Famers?

Patrick Ewing, Dirk Nowitzki, Reggie Miller, LeBron James, Karl Malone, Elgin Baylor, Charles Barkley, Carmelo Anthony, Steve Nash, Allen Iverson, Jason Kidd, Antawn Jamison, Tracy McGrady, Shawn Kemp, George Gervin, Pete Maravich, Vince Carter, Mark Jackson, Alex English and Dikembe Mutombo.

What can you tell me about the turkish language?

I recommend that you get a Turkish friend who lives in the city you live.....that is the best way to learn Turkish.

Please help me in algorithem?

Write an algorithm that reads any four integer values and then sorts and prints them in ascending order on the screen.

How do u make a good roast beef sandwich like from a restaurant?

i like to cook on the weekends and my boyfriend hinted that he wanted a good roast beef sandwich like from the restaurants. how do i prepare the meat? what seasoning do i use? do i make that in the oven or could i use a crock pot?

Do I HAVE to take SAT prep cles to do well?

online, baby... everything is online ! you can find some really GOOD websites for sat/last prep. if u live in calif., i belive they have some schools designed for these exams. if u aint in calif., try to ask these chinese/asian students/ friends. they r always good at preparing exams. (and know where to get "prep bks"-- WINK, if u know what i mean...)

Please answer!!! What are your feelings on these hypothetical moral dilemmas?

I will not intervene in any of the cases, since I do not have the right to decide who will live and who will die.

Rate my yugioh dark deck?

i c this is a pure dark deck.but it has low competivity.try to add some destiny hero and thier support card into your deck. it will be better

This is my last chance :( how can i go through this please help!?

Tuesday is my final exam , and there is this girl that i really like and im sure about it because although we never talked but i know her very well and i remember a time when she was in the corridor and i was at the cl door window and she was looking at me and blushing somehow but i was a complete (any bad word will suit me lol ) and didnt talk to her , i was thinking of talking to her at the end of the exam or maybe telling her that i have feelings for her, in the past i didnt have the courage but now i do have it because i realised that i would never see her:( What should i tell her and how to open a conversation and how would i act , thanks :)

How do you hypnotize someone to do whatever you want them to do?

I really want to hypnotize my friend but i cant figure it out. All the websites are instructions that you have to buy. Does anyone know how to do like a rapid induction?

Why don't we punish animals when they commit murder?

Maybe we put them down, but it is merely for safety's sake. Why is it only humans that we punish for the sake of punishment? It shouldn't be an excuse to say that it is simply the cirstances of the animals' birth and life. They have free will and made the choice to kill. Likewise they should suffer the consequences.

On menus outside of NYC, many diners offer "New York Cheesecake"?

, is it really the clic style of what a piece of cheesecake is like in NYC ONLY? Is it NYC's trademark?

Black are poor and Whites are rich!?

its like a hierarchy if your white your great if your black your useless. that's so bullshit. these politics are using it everywhere around the world.take america for example the got a black president but theres a Group of white ppl that are pulling his strings.

What really makes a good pianist? ?

i mean it looks easy to play... its not like the violin where there are infinite possibilities for music... or am i wrong? i probably am... that's why im asking the question... so what does make a pianist great... im not completely music illiterate but i haven't played any instrument... i would like to learn to play the piano though

Looking for a product that sits underneath your washer or dryer to keep it from damaging your...?

they make small rubber cushions that slip over the legs of a washer. this prevents scratching of the floor. they are very cheap and easy to put on.

Olsen or Celek this week?

Should I stick with Olsen @ Det or pickup Celek who plays tonight against Houston? Celek had a big week last week but will he do it again? Olsen has found the endzone but Cutler rarely throws to him...

What's the going rate for selling your Social Security #?

My wife said someone at her old job asked if she wanted to buy their number to use on her tax return. How widespread is this and how in the HECK do we, law-abiding tax payers, stop it? Another friend reported similar thing and was told to mind his own business.

Remember that huge run Marshawn Lynch had on the Saints where he broke like 14 tackles?

Marshawn Lynch is capable of being a top 3 RB in the league, but it takes a lot of drive and work ethic to be that great. i don't think he has that quite in him.

How come when you tell your friend thatll theyll be your BFF it dosnt happen??

she was my first friend moving to cali shortly becoming my bff and sister. we were always hanging out like normal bffs, just then one weekend out with the girls we partyd and i always babysat for her cause shes the one with the car and well i would never let anything happen to her the night when on like usal,then the next day the guys who threw the party before called us up and wanted us to kick it so we went it was like 8am so i was pretty hunged over..well they were nozing it and i just felt like puking so i watched her and she trusted me with her keys and phone so i took watch, i went out to take a breather and went back in couldnt find her and so i got mad took of with her car because i knew what vunerable thing she was doing and i ended up finding out what happen and well they took advantage of her but from there our friendship has been limited to hi byes,was it my fault was she depending on me? i dont know what to do its not the same i miss her its benn 3mths

Weight loss plan. Could this plan work permanently?

If you want to follow the weight watchers plan, thats fine, but I don't think its nessessary. You should just eat between 1000-1200 calories a day and that would be sufficient. And it won't kill your metabolism. Just dont go lower than 1000. Also, Alli is the over the counter for a prescription med. Alli is half the strength, so if you want to get the full strength you could go to the doctor and ask them for it. You'll pay just as much, but for full strength. Good luck.

So who's leading the Pens huh?

Funny, Cindy girl didn't score a single goal today, and they won. He.. Sorry, she had a goal in the 1st game and a hat trick in the second, the pens blew both of them. Just to remind - Pens also won every single game when he was sick during the regular season. Crosby is really bad for pens, he's not leading them anywhere.

Will McCain end the war in Iraq if elected president?

Defence Secretary Robert Gates testified yesterday the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost $170 billion in the next fiscal year over and above the $515.4 billion proposed regular Pentagon budget. That's about $465 million/day extra. Will a President McCain continue to spend money on the war?

Charachter description help? help? Easy 10 points!!!?

Sorry for any typos, I'm on my iPod. I'm writing a story and there is going to be two identical twin girls as the main characters. Thier names are Peyton Riley and Alexis Hope. The person who gives the most elaborate answer gets the 10 points.

Help troubleshooting problem with my 83 Caprice?

I'm trying to find the problem by fixing the cheaper things first, rather than spend a lot of money on diagnostics. Besides the o2 sensors and electronic system has been diabled and nowadays mech are helpless without their comps or chips to tell em what's going on. So are there any oldschool mechs out there that might know chevys inside out , that would help I'd be eternally grateful. I have rplaced the factory 305 with a rebuilt 305 with the new reinforced cams. The distributor is replaced by a nonelectronic HEI, the intake is an Edelbrock, with a 650 CFM 4barrel carb.Anyways my son who I built it for drove it on a real muddy and bumpy in the dark and according to him hit a bump real hard. When I got home acouple of days later It would'nt seem to run much faster than 15 to 20 mph. It was like the car that usually could fly had asthma. I hope to God it's not the transmission for it has the Th 700 R4. Someone suggested the evap can, or a vacuum leak in relation to it. I heard that although evap can almost never go out, that if the do, you will have about a 75 or more % power loss.My friend Charlie kept insisting that it was the cat converter. So with much struggling in the heat(AZ desert) we got it off, only to find that it had no platinum mesh in there. So I took it off because a friend wanted it, but had to cut off rear fitting from converter and had the pipe insert pounded well into it and spotwelded (shitty weld, but since I was broke I couldn't just pick my welder), I clamped everything in place, started her up just to find that it leaked right there, by placeing my hand near the weld. I should just have left the converter on as it had no obstruction. The car also keeps surging, so I suspect that the convertyers platinum mesh got blown backwards, and is now obstructing either the muffler or got caught in one of the many 90 degree agle turns on that tail pipe, making the leak at the spotweld even worse as that exhauxt is trying to take the path of less resistance prior to the obstruction. Could I be right in this umption? SO I went to dismount the blasted muffler only to find that it's not only clamped , but also has a ugly big weld job on the rear sise of it. I wanted to see if I could take the muffler off and look for or try to clear out possible obstruction, and while muffler was out run a semi rigid wire thru exhaust pipe both in front and towards the rear of muffler. Finding that weld was really dissappointing, as I now have no money to pay other, and live way out there in the desert with my 16 year old kid, and without wheel I can't even go get a job, nor anything else. I've been walking 14 miles to town in 100 plus degrees, to the junk yards to try to find parts. It's really hard as I have no money, nor anyone to help. And every time I think I've found someone to help, all they wanna do, is help themselves. I'm running out of time,as I can't be without electricity, and without work, can'e make money. Some one suggested that an exhaust leak can cause a vacuum leak. And the Transmission governer was mentioned. Please help anyone

Should I change doctors? I have had widespread pain for about a year now and my doctor does not seem concern.?

I asked him to run some test to see what's causing the pain and he said it just RA. So I asked him to refer me to a rheumatologist he said I have to wait until he does some lab work and a MRI before I can see one. Then he gave me some medicine called methylprednisolone and thats the last i have heard from him. I don't think he cares. What should I do.

Is it legal to carry many thousands of dollars in cash through an American airport?

My friend is convinced I will be arrested on the spot and that TSA will probe me or something. I only have 9000 USD, and yes I plan to waltz right through security with it. Is this country really that messed up that my paranoid friend is right?

If I am new to Islam can you give me one reasonable prove to believe the stories you are telling whether CONT?

whether it is Hadith from Sunna or shiaa or other random religious stories...why can't ALL of these Ahadith be fabricated???what make you trust the History that much blindly...I just need ONE JUST ONE REASONABLE PROVE...To claim that really The prophet Mohamed said these Ahadith and it was not fabricated in the ancient ages Amawi and Abi...

Can you rephrase this sentence?

Even if we repraised it for you, it would STILL be forgery. Sorry, you must do it yourself. I know you can do it!

Short strait hair to wavy how to, NEED TO KNOW BY TOMORROW!?

curl your hair with a 1 in. curling iron. take big sections and then blow dry it on high and run your fingers through it.

How mandy of you r crying besides me?

OK! Gilmore girls is over...4 good! I am going to go crazy! I loved that show so much! I am hope they come back...even if its just 4 one more season!

Are Ahman green, Ryan grant and thomas jones overated?

If you havent guessed it yet they all have 1 thing in's favre(madden) .these people have great careers with farve but take him out and i see nothing...I ume maybe its because teams play alot of p D against favre so it gives runningbacks alot of open space. ahman green was solid his whole career but when he left favre he has been horrible on the texans even before injury.Slaton didnt get given the startin he took it!! and this year ryan grant has been about as useful as a Can opener in a can. or a nuclear hand grenade. Thomas jones is doing great dis year. and bears should have never released him. but he has never done Dis good, even if he was on steroids i thought i'd never see a day where he would start in a pro bowl....are they overrated?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Question about the ca vinci code?

I know what catholics and chtistians in general are saying about the davinci code, but what are the jewish sholars saying about this book,( movie )

Maybe baby....!!!!!......!!!!!?

i had a very faint + HPT yesterday. today it was still faint but darker than yesterday. i had a miscarriage in august. i am now 12 dpo and my lines are still faint but getting slightly darker. do you think it is safe to say i am pregnant? i am in disbelief. this is all that i wanted for christmas and cant believe that i might actually get it. especially since i have been trying for 13 months and had a miscarriage in august and this is the first month i told myself i wasn't going to "try". i need lots and lots of sticky baby dust and prayers. good luck and baby dust to all my TTC friends. i hope everyone gets their BFP for christmas!

Can someone tell me, simply, what to do if your car goes into a skid/spin because of bad weather?

in you most likely have RWD... the best option is to let off the go-pedal, don't use the brake, and steer where you want to do, don't OVER compensate that will just make you spin in the other direction. if you have a FWD car you should only be skidding/spinning if YOU want to(I've had fun in FWD cars on snow) just remain calm, panicking will only make it worse. and be smart when driving in the winter...

My boyfriends kitten has worms. and something else??? ?

OK so my boyfriend found a kitten in a different town about 3 monthes ago, brought it to his moms house, which she has another cat as well. very clean nice house, other cat is very clean. she brought the kitten to the vets to get it dewormed and all its shots, all were waitin for next is for it to be old enough to get declawed and fixed. ok so anyways, ever since the day he brought this kitten to his moms house, its been farting non stop, like literally every half hour it farts, and the fart knocks out the whole room!!!!!! its soooo gross, it smells like eggs. and he goes poop every half hour as well, so she told my boyfriend he has to move in to our apartment!!!!!!!!!! sooo hes been such a pleasure living with us, other than the farting...but NOW i look at his , and little worms are coming out. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS CAT!?!? i feel so bad for it. i kno his mothers cat didnt have worms because they both got dewormed...and hes still as stinky as ever. we havnt brought him to the vets yet b.c we just moved into our apartment and havnt had enough money yet, but we're almost there, does anybody have any ideas on whats wrong with him!? other than the worms part. THANKS!!!!

What is wrong with me? I'm depressed and feel like i could snap any minute.?

For the dizziness and haze... I think maybe you should eat a little bit more, as for the cutting just think of the awesome things in your life and don't dwell on the shitty things. Nightmares idk but try getting more sleep, the things you put in the back of your head go un noticed exept 9/10 that is what you will dream or have nightmares about. Good luck, and definatly talk to a parent or adult about it not friends as much

I was watching the kids at recess and they called me a stalker?

how do 9 year olds even know what that is? I was walking my dogs and just happened to pause and watch the kids from a distance.

I have hereditary bags under my eyes?

hi. im 15 and the bags under my eyes are really bad. my mom also has bags under her eyes and ive had them for the longest time. i wanna go see if there is a way tot get rid of them. what kind of proffesional would i go to, to check this out?

Which of these phones would be faster?

Depends on your location but I would like you to try the 1Ghz MyTouch 4G on T-Mobiles HSPA+ network. Since it is new and faster.

Is it AN opossum or A opossum?

I know when saying/writing a word that beings w/ a vowel, you must "an", but what about words that begin w/ a vowel that is silent, like "Opossum". My mother e-mailed me this question today and since I'm an education major, I'm a little disappointed that I have no clue what to tell her. Thanks!

Yamaha blaster knocking noise please help?

hello my Yamaha blaster slightly knock when in a high gear with low rpm but when in a high gear with high rpm never knocks or it doesn't knock when idling its a 2002 model was recently fully rebuilt some of my friends said ignore it it was just rebuilt but a knocking cant be normal any help would be appreciated oh by the way it doesn't happen when im accelerating fast but it does knock when im accelerating slowly it got a new crank and bearings and piston and rings about 15 hours on them

Is it okay for me to pick the ring?

I am getting married and I am wondering if it is okay for me to pick the ring..(I am the female) and if so, should there be stipulations, such as price...I love him, and don't really care WHAT the ring looks like, I just want to show him that I am excited, and I REALLY AM very excited...but do you think it would be insulting for me to pick out some rings that I like or should I just let him handle it? He said I could e-mail some ideas to him, but I don't know if that is improper or what...? Any ideas? And is it asking too much for me to want him to wear a ring too?

Whats happening in sri lanka?

ok i know this is really dumb of me to ask, but when things like this happen i can't control my emotions, so i often block it out. so please someone, bring me up to date with the, what, why and who.

Should I take a Per Diem Job?

What is the diference between Per Diem & a regular job. Why do companys pay Per Diem ? Is there any limit to how long a company can keep me on Per Diem?

Does anyone have any helpful ways on how to memorize....?

try making up a sentence staring with the first in the order, that you can remember, make the sentence or words so crazy and wild that you will remember.

Isn't it comically ironic that Hugo Chavez himself seeks to rope other nations into debt?

ALBA, Petrocaribe and the like are all schemes to make already indebted nations overconsume oil based on deferred payment, then be on the hook for mive debts.Isn't this rather ironic from the 'anti-imperialist" "anit-IMF" crowd?

Is VS PINK too expensive?

I just saw sweatpants on there for $70!!! And other sweatpants are $40! Geez isn't that way overpriced?

Does bluetooth work with wi-fi?

I'm currently deployed in Kuwait. I am buying a cellphone plan with data to connect to my computer to have internet access. My question is: if my cellphone has bluetooth, can I use it wirelessly with my computer if my computer has wi-fi (but not bluetooth)?

How does one "accidentally" overdose?

When you are use to a certain amount of a drug or if the drug is not as potent, like things were added to increase the quantity instead of quality of the actual drug, then receiving a purer form of the drug or a bigger dosage would cause accidental death because the one taking it umed it was the same as before....Like back in the seventies when cocaine was pure and today it is cut enough to not even be called cocaine. The real stuff would kill you if you are only tolerant of the stuff you were getting that had hardly any in it.

Explain radioactive decay?

Radioactive decay is the process by which an atomic nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting ionizing particles. The emission is spontaneous, in that the atom decays without any interaction with another particle from outside the atom. Usually, radioactive decay happens due to a process confined to the nucleus of the unstable atom, but, on occasion, an inner electron of the radioactive atom is also necessary to the process.

A question about the rear end for my truck?

If its the same gearing then it will work. But the person u get to put it on has to have the timing right or it wont work.

Is this Mike Parsons?

Its Billabong Oddysey At The World Tow-In Championships at JAWS, off the coast of Hawaii. Its Mike Parsons Surfing With Brad Gerlach Towing Him In

All My Dallas Mavs fans!!, Did you just see Jerry Stackhouse hit the Buzzer Beater?!!?

Yo, it was freakin awesome!!, I'm still celebrating right now, there was 8 seconds left in the game and they Got the ball to dirk, dirk was about to drive but he got double teamed he quickly ped it straight to Jerry Stackhouse, stackhouse quickly set his feet and drained the buzzer beating 3.!!! Wow it was crazy man, All the mavericks went crazy hugging stackhouse, hugging each other, hugging avery, wow that was a really great moment for the mavs and mavs fans. This win will be great for the mavs psyche. Wow, it feels really good to see the mavs celebrate after all the things we've been through all these years. I'm gunna keep supporting this team no matter what anyone says, Go Mavs!!1

Is tasering an 11yr old child a good thing for Democrats cause they are backing the Trooper that did this ?

Well apparently, to them, Child abuse is not as BAD as abuse of power. As if child abuse is NOT abuse of POWER. They blow my mind, yet this is SO typical!

Views on day care teachers with tattoos?

I worked at a daycare for over a year on a military base, and nobody said anything about my tattoo. Alot of people there had them, and after I got mine, alot of people went to my tattoo artist to get some too. After mine, 10 other people got some at my work, and not one parent or employer, said anything about them. As long as it is tasteful, like yours, I dont think anyone will care, including parents and potential employers.

Looking for CoD blackops clan to join (Malaysia)!?

Yeah go ahead and register an account at and your in sgi just message me on there my names SGI Encoded 7x you can find me in the social side.

Is it okay to take advil if I already took singular and claritin?

My allergies have been killing all night and idk If it's a good idea to take advil after congesting singular and claritin, so is it okay to advil now ?


like if the bengals don't let him go.. can he retire and then be reinstated so he can play somewhere else like farve. could this be his only option to play again?

???>>>???>>are these fish okay with each other???>>>???>>???

i have 3 neons, 2 black tetra, 3 male and 3 female guppy, 4 platy, blue tetra,3 cherry barb, 2 tiger barb, 2 pleco, 2 female betta...and do not worry my tank is humongous

I don't know what to do with my dad. Help?

I feel your pain, at 14 years of age you are just beginning to see what the world has to offer you. To take the next step would be to invite your boy friend and his parents over to your home. Let your parents know you want to be up front and honest with them, no more sneaking around behind their back. Respect your father and mothers wishes for now, because the next 4 years could be your worst. They love you very much, that is a blessing in its self, show them honor and respect and they will show you the same. Any time you want to see your boyfriend invite him to your home, let them get to know him better. If your parents can see that he truly cares about you and is respectful to them that will help. Your Mother shouldn't have to take sides. Just be yourself but most of all be honest about everything you are and do. If you can't tell your parents what you are doing than you have no business doing it. Good luck!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Question about my life in general?

How the f$*% am i supposed to live in a house where i have no free time cos my dad is always making me do all the chores by myself, i have an older bro hu thinks hes so tough and always threatens to beat me up but never does cos hes a poof, instead he shouts in my face and im always the one hu gets blamed for things even if they are not my fault. Everyone always takes the piss cos i havent had yet even tho im only 16, and all ma mates have. Im starting to ask myself the same question every morning and night, "what the f$*% is the point of me stayin alive.

Psychiatry or Psychology which is best?

i'm not trying to be mean, but it is your future so it's probably better it you research yourself and get to know each field better. the both make good money if you're good at your job, but the real question is do you mostly want to hand out drugs or do you want to actually talk and listen to people?

How to clean non-skid bathtub?

My bathtub has a non-skid surface, and it's impossible to clean! It always looks dirty. I have tried dish detergent, baking soda and bleach products with no luck. I'm not sure what kind of tub it is, but I am pretty sure it's fibergl. I don't like my shower looking dirty even though it isn't.

I work for a LLC in the UK. Am I allowed to work in the US?

Make sure you have the proper VISA when entering the United States: The H1B visa will allow you to work in the United States and your company can sponsor you

Hereditary baldness?

If my dad still has all his hair in his mid-40's, does that mean I have a better chance of keeping my hair as well?

I don't believe they will tell me if I called the hotel, would they?

Ok, let's just say there's this farewell party for my club, not just from my school, the same club from other school, I know where to go, the number of the place BUT the time and date. First they say Friday(tomorrow) and some time than they changed it to something else, now I'm confused. Can't ask my friends since they're not going, can't call the president now. I don't believe the hotel will tell me if there's a reservation if I ask right? It's private, after all.

How can I become a Broadway actress?

I have a profound pion for the stage. However, I am from a small town in Illinois and am not subject to rigorous theatre training nor vocal training, so I am not sure how talented I am. People tell me all the time I am a natural on the stage, but I really do not know. Recently, my school hired a very talented and experienced new vocal director, and I want to ask for lessons. If I were to chase this dream, I would obviously double major in college to have a fall back. Is there anything else I could do to achieve this "pipe dream"? Could I succeed in this?

Christians: what is the prefered method of kitten mumification?

Well people mummify cats just like they would people. I was watching the Discovery Channel the other day and is was about mummifying and they would mummify people,cats,dogs, and even monkeys.

Biology Question: Fruits and Seeds, can someone help? easy 10 points x?

This is because the seed requires lots of nutrients during germination and to grow healthily, while the fruit is only made to aid seed dispersal, and so the plant only puts small amounts of food substances into the fruit so that it is more appealing to animals.

How long does your hair grow a month..?

Different people hair grows at different rates. Also depends on how much protein/ meat you eat a day since your hair and nails are protein that your body has broken down and now is growing outta your body.

Please give me one rational reason to live?

Life. Your reason to live is life. No matter how tough times get, it's all behind you. It's your past. You can't change yesterday, but you can make tomorrow much better. Meaning, you can't change your past, but you can make your future a lot better. I'm really sorry to hear your story, but I'm sure it's going to be okay. In life, you really have to do something about these times. But trust me, it'll be okay. You have a reason to live, and sometimes, you have to live all your life to find that out.

What are some ideas for stocking stuffers for men?

I am totally stumped on what to put in my husband's stocking. I have already got some candy and rip its(energy drink) and I'm going to get som scratch off lotto tickets too. But what else can I add? He's into computers and electronics and also into tools.

What is the title of the picture which appears in the movie, 'Scary Movie' at 00:12:01?

The picture appears on the wall behind the professor, as he talks to his istant, Dwight, and features a woman in a yellow raincoat, ascending a stairway, to an open, red, cloudy sky.

What rock music video has a giant octopus in outer space?

It also has a red fuzzy heart dude in it.They are in a spaceship.At the end of the video they are battling the giant octopus with the power of music. Do you know who the band is and what the song is called?

Does Curtis International have a 'parent company'?

Want to buy a Squaretrade Warranty with a Curtis DVD player, Squaretrade wants to know who manufactured the DVD player, and Curtis isn't on the list. I don't want to select 'other' and then have them tell me I lied just b/c I didn't know any of the companies on the list were aliases of the name Curtis Int'l...

Why are wild animals like cheetahs, geckos, dolphins, and whales, etc. so calm around humans?

Cheetahs have such a docile nature especially towards us humans and are like really tamed but why is that? Out of all the things i've read, researched and seen with my own two eyes is that cheetahs are very tolerate of us and we don't even have to cower in fear of attack even though we should be cautious at all times towards any "wild" animal regardless of the species but I remember watching big cat diary one time and Simon King was standing right next to a "wild" adult female cheetah and they were face to face without any fear towards one another and the cheetah was actually tolerating him and jumped up on the jeep sitting quietly and peacefully right next to simon but why? and usually when you go to places that contain captive cheetahs you're actually allowed to go in the enclosures with them, their basically like "wild" dolphins on land in a big cat's body lol but why are cheetahs contained with such a docile nature like dolphins and whales matter of fact why do most wild animals tolerate us being in their presents? It's like they love to interact with us....well egyptians have domesticated animals like cheetahs and hyenas and many other "wild" and domesticated animals but why do cheetahs, geckos, bearded dragons, dolphins, and whales, etc. have such a docile nature towards humans?

How to fix a 1990 Ford EA Falcon Handbrake?

Most cars that have rear disc brakes use a drum brake inside the back of the rotor. Where does the hand brake cable go? If it goes to the caliper, the only thing I can suggest is apply the brakes with your foot and then while holding the pedal down, set the hand brake. If it doesn't go to the rotor, it is and adjusts like a regular drum brake.

Anyone can parody "There's hole in the bucket"?

More than one question.more then one answer.I do not see the point to this parody. AND none of these questions are unique. So what question are you asking anyway? No

How intimidated should I be of my gf's vibrator?

honestly i have a rabbit vibrator, and yeah it feels awesome but an actual person feels so much better. My fiance get intimidated by it also. I get it out and start using it when i am horny and he isn't because I know he will get upset and come "take over the job". I guess that is kind of manipulative but it works. Maybe shes just trying to turn you on. Ask her if she wants you to F*** her. Or offer to use the vibrator on her and then switch to using yourself....

Why is the God of Intelligent Design considered greater than the God of Evolution?

Because if we men cross him, The God of Intelligent Design can inflame our prostates and we will no longer pee.

What can I do for my boyfriend instead of asking him to Sadies?

he's a senior and I'm a junior in highschool, we're both not big on going to school dances but I have a feeling he wants to go. I was thinking if there was any other ideas to make it up to him? movies? dinner? some kind of surprise? I just feel bad how it's going to be his very last Sadies dance.

New "Carribean" sounding song?

This morning on the radio on one of the countdown shows, I heard a new song song that was sung by a man (maybe a male group?). I almost sounded Jamaican or Carribean. I don't remember the exact lyrics but it repeated "I love you" several times. Anyone else heard this song? What is the name of it? Who sings it?

Is the royal family value for money?

The �40 million is a total nonsense nobody knows the exact figure as it comes under the official secrets act. You can not keep a dozen or so palaces castles and other private residences and the scores of people employed to run these places, run the Queens fleet of aircraft [�6000 an hour when there in the air] and all the other hidden expenses ie. the royal train fleets of cars telephones travel security etc etc on �40 million a year. On a recent foreign jaunt the Queen travelled on British Airways the royal PR. machine said it was to save money what they forgot to tell us is that BA. ripped out the entire first cl section of the aircraft and replaced it with something more suitable for a monarch including a bed then sent the bill �165,000 to the government

Ozone and nitric acid acid act as oxidants why?

while sulphur dioxide and hydrogen peroxide can act as oxidising and reducing agents in their reactions,ozone and nitric acid act only as oxidants why?

When can i let my baby platys into the tank?

You can let them in as soon as they're big enough to not fit in the adults' mouths. So, about 1-2 months old is when I let my platy fry in.

Are you a martial arts instructor?

Yes I am and a few words of advice to you...let go of your ego. You clearly care more about what someone thinks about you and are trying to impress others...let it go and just focus on the training.

My parents dont seem to think im capable of being a mum and living independently?

im 19 and have lived in my own house with my partner for the last 2 years. i have always been mature for my age and responsible and have proven that even more since having my own house. i pay the rent every month on time, i pay all the bills, keep the house in perfect condition, take care of everything that needs doing around the house,etc. then last year i had my daughter( now 13 months) and have done a brilliant job. she is always clean, fed, happy, healthy, i spend every minute i can with her and bring up to be the best she can. my parents never deny this, but they always seem to tell me what i should and shouldnt be doing with her and undermine decisions that i make and things i do with her. for example, il put my daughter down to walk around, and my mum will insist on picking her up every minute of the day because she doesnt feel it is safe to let her walk around everywhere, or il give her something and my mum will take it off her saying its not right. i went to take her to feed the ducks the other day and my mum didnt feel at ease about it incase i let her fall in the water. if i tell her no or stop her throwing a tantrum by giving her time out my mum will go in and pick her up.i have a dog and im slowly letting him get used to her and know how to behave with her but my mum insists on putting him out in another room and wont let him go near is the same with the house, they tell me this is isnt clean, this needs doing, that needs putting away, why isnt this done. i know it might seem really petty and my parents are wonderful and always there for me, but it just seems as though they dont trust me to make decisions on my own and trust my judgement with things and let me be the parent. they make me feel like im still a child living at home that relies on them to do everything still and i just wish they would understand that im independent now and a mother. but i dont know how to go about this because i know if i said anything they would feel sneep them?

PDA (public show of affection) -for highschoolers mostly?

Okay so im doing an essay on PDA (public show of affection) for my english cl. I think its really stupid how teachers yell at us for just hugging or kissing your boyfriend or girlfriend, and i get in trouble all the time. It gets really annoying. I just want to know what bad things and what good things are about PDA. I want your opinions about it. Thank you!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Am I suffering from insanity?

honestly if you are competent enough you should know that it is wrong to kill someone and dont blame it on your psychoticness i mean atleast youre not schitzophrenic or some really messed up disorder...not evryone is happy with their lives but you never know if the future may hold something good or atleast worthwhile to live for and my philosophy on life has always been to live like flowers do as just existing and being happy that the day brings sunshine as cheesy that sounds... or as buddhists would say living without ego

Sound Blaster Audigy SE-Mic won't work?

make sure its not muted in the sound panel make sure its pluged into the right outlet and make sure the mic it self doesnt have a mute. thats about it.

Can Bush ever say anything that isn't stupid?

Bush did not mention Obama by name, and Bush's speech is consistent with his policies dating back to before Obama was even in the U.S. Senate. You may agree or disagree with Bush's policies, but I don't see where anything in Bush's speech is "stupid." He gave his reasons and historical evidence for believing that negotiating with terrorists and radicals is not a good idea. Calling him "stupid" is ad hominem.

Will a major league baseball player ever hit five consecutive home runs?

I know that Mike Schmidt, Willie Mays and Mark Whitten, among others, I'm sure, have all done it in the same game. Also, Art Shamsky once did it over the course of two different games, and Nate Colbert once hit five in a doubleheader, but not consecutively. Do you think anyone will ever hit five in a row? I have to wonder. That's a feat that you don't hear mentioned all that often...

Does anyone have a really good bread pudding recipe that you can make in a crockpot?

I had some delicious bread pudding at work the other day that was made in a crock pot. It smelled and tasted just like gooey cinnamon buns and it had cranberries in it. mmm so good!

Updating my ipod, what should I get?

I like a lot of different types of music. I do not like heavy metal!!! or lady gaga, taylor swift, justin beiber.. yeah that stuff. Some of my current favorite bands are: Keith Urban, Maroon 5, Nickelback, Pink Floyd, Matchbox 20, Switchfoot, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Bryan Adams, Brad Paisley, Santana, OneRepublic, Gavin Degraw, Lifehouse, Rolling Stones, Staind, U2, Tom Petty. Anything like that.! Thank you. :]

RB2 Starter - Hightower, Willie Parker, Jamal Lewis, LenDale?

I'd go with Parker. Pitt loves to run the ball.He had 3 tds and over 100 yards in week 1 last year. Hightower is in a p first offense. Arizona was at the bottom of the league at rushing attempts last year and Hightower had a horrid 2.8 yards per carry last year. Worst in the NFL last year.

Girls, please help me to understand, what is she thinking?

How is it that a girl who is as beautiful as she is intelligent, who can beef up your motor and yet cook a mean pineapple pie, a girl who can set up a LAN network and still crochet a blanket, one who loves Shakespeare and yet surf just as good as most guys, how can she be so ignorant, gullible, and na�ve to think that someone she met on the internet can offer her any more than a platonic relationship? How can a girl so full of life, who can have any guy she wants, settle for someone online. Come on girls, do you really think an "on - line relationship" can really be anything else? He's just gonna use her, I know he will... he'll probably broke her heart again, did it once, why not again when she stills comes back for more? What's wrong with this picture?

I have an old-fashioned barometer which does not work but may be worth repairing. Does it have any value?

The barometer is wall-hanging, shaped rather like a long violin and also incorporates a Fahrenheit thermometer and other features, though I am not sure what they are. There is no maker's mark of any description, though someone has scrawled on the inside, in pencil, '14 Gulay (presumably July) 1858 - P Toroni'. This was inherited from a relative in Jersey in the Channel Islands.

Does anyone have the link to the Facebook Petition for Betty White to host SNL?

She's too good for what that show has turned into. Maybe they'll put Christopher Walken in drag and see if anyone notices.

93 toyota T 100 running rough?

This was an intermittent problem, now its steady , I tried easy stuff new plugs new wires , rotor, distributor cap, today I went deeper and did compression test V-6 3.0 EFI engine, I did it twice cause the second time I had a high quality tester , second test results range from 148 psi to 161 psi, I did this cause this truck has 334,000 miles on it. I think the compression is ok, but I don't have a book to look up min. and max now I'm thinking an injector, but I'm scratching my head, no check engine lite came on, ever but It does come on when I turn the key to the on position, so I know I have a lite.I took each spark plug wire off at a time to try to narrow down the cylinder with the problem, two of the wires, when removed do not seem to change the idle, but what else can it be I also tried removing and cleaning the air filter but it really wasn't so dirty. Any Ideas where to go next from you full time motor heads, any suggestions of other things to look for would be greatly appreciated, it takes all its got to climb a small hill spark seems strong at each cylinder Thanks G.

Adam Lambert Fans (click here)!?

It's gonna be a tight race to the finish, but we'll know in due time. Just go with the flow wait till the 2009 American Idol is announced.

What is the current Era in the WWE called???, and it's going to be a new Era in the WWE?

What is the current Era in The WWE called? The Golden Age 1985-1994, The New Generation 1994-1996, Attitude Era 1996-2003, ??????? Era 2003-Today. What ever the current Era the WWE is in right now, it is going to end within the next year or two, I guaradamntee it. Because of the trubles the WWE has gone through since Chris Benoit's Death, the ratings dropped, and wrestlers injured, TNA becomes almost level to level with the WWE, example, TNA chants at WWE Events, what TNA is doing is differnt than what the WWE is doing (All of this was what was happping with WCW being differnt than the WWF, and that is what made the Atttitude Era. If you compare 2007 with 1994 (When the WWF was going through Controversy, and the Vince McMahon ual suits by the women in the WWF, and the Steroid controversy back in 1994, and 2007 with the WWF / WWE were the toughest times in the history of the WWF/ WWE) it is very simular. Time is almost repeating it self with another Wrestling Company, being differnt.

Do you think Cindy Sheehan would make a good speaker of the house? I heard she wants Nancy's job.?

Cindy Sheehan is a freak who needs to just do the right thing and fade away. She has alienated herself from everyone, to include the liberals who supported her early on. No one wants to be ociated with her. She needs to go back home and stay out of the limelight.

How much do I need to know about government prior to attending community college?

You don't really need to have prior knowledge about government. I have taken college courses that I hadn't taken in years since high school and have been successful. If these subjects are more difficult for you then you probably need to spend more time studying, but they will teach everything you need to know. It also helps to get a good professor. There website should have listing of teachers at your community college and how they were rated by students. This is how I always pick my teachers.

Due to my hot tempered,can my g.friend hate me?

infact we were 2gether since one year several month,,,4 the first 5month nearly everyday i did met her as i were at her place without the consern of her parent...everything was fights,,nothing..exactly on the 24 december,accidently her parent saw me in her room..stuff wasn;t tht great but later on everythig was fine...from that day we brake on seeing each other everyday and a guy..each eveery second i can get somenthing to do..the distance betwn us started to create...fights occured 4 silly day i did slapped her..but since i regret..av asked 4 my pardon..i knew my anger wouldd go far and one day i heard that he was in touch with a guy..that my is so little that i ant want words to describ him..that guy did knew that my g.friend was affected emotionnally and he did all he could to separe us..i sorted this problem with her parent>>>we talked talked to her and finally she realise that she was wrong....that jerk he knew him 4 one month,...means u want knew someone 4 one month,,,yesterday we dated out,...i did spend a lot on giving her gifts etc....i felt she rreally want me....she likes her parent and promised that she will change.....i knew somhow she is realising that she is guilty and that he hurted me...she did even falls on my feet and asked for pardon.........somhow i knew she wants to change but i got something that makes me doupt,sick.............all the stuff hapening can it be a fasade?????how can i knew whts happening more things..she says that she already ended that realation with tht jerk but she dont want break tht friendship as that jerk somehow did encourage her somewhere when she was desperated>>>>>......

Horrible Petsmart Experience, your opinion?

Yes, it is. It goes by both number of fish and the length in inches your fish are. Too many and the ammonia in the water from the feces gets too high for a filter to take, plus the close confines start stressing out the more high strung fish.

Top 6 NBA players At each Position?

well kaman over howard is a big no there is a problem with the pf position why you have cliff lee but no dirk nowiztki stoudemire shoul be tied with dirk

BMW 328i Convertible ambient light sensor?

How does the ambience lighting in the convertible turn on? Do you press a on or is there a sensor? (presumably the same one that turns on the headlights)

Heath bar named for heath ledger?

is the heath bar named after heath ledger or is heath ledger named after the heath bar? How do u make heath bars?

Best "Rappers" by Category/Skill?

My favorite rappers are Brotha lynch, immortal tequnique, andre nickatina, eazy e, tupac, and mac dre but not his hyphy stuff

My grandmother is unfair?

You know, a great thing about this, is that you are aware of what she does and why she does it, and you can be a great et to your mom by helping her out and talking to her to comfort her when her mom treats her badly. It is very unfair that the one side of the family that does love her and cares for her, she detests, and the other side, which only uses her, gets to live in the lap of luxury and not have to worry about her. But, try to remember this. You and your mom are all she has. She may not know this, but you do. I believe in my heart and mind that she knows how her son truly feels about her, and I think that is why she treats your mother so badly, because she has to be angry with someone, and she can be angry with your mother. Is it fair? No. Is it right? No. But, she has no one else. Imagine how sad her life would be if you and your mom weren't there? Try to remember when she gets angry or starts problems, that she is probably wanting badly to be with her son, who doesn't even want her. I believe in karma. The good you do for others will come back to you. Try to remember that.

Im a girl needing boy help!?

You're probably just scared to lose him.. I've been through this too :/ Every time that you start thinking that he likes her and not you, remind yourself of the cute things he's told you. If he asked you then you must mean something to him :) They're just friends and hopefully the way they act means nothing.

Can pressups and dips get me muscular as i already have the weight?

im 6'1 and i weight 15 stone, approx 95 kgs, and i have good distribution weight wise, big shoulders and no big belly anyway..but yeah as i have the weight and fat i need already shud i just stick to relentless pressups and dips to get muscluar, like those bartender dudes on youtube...??

Question for control freaks?

If you could hypnotize anyone to do anything you wanted, who would you do it to and what would you make them do?

What would you rate my fantasy football team?

Wow that's pretty bad dude. Aaron rodgers is great but Ochocinco? and reggie wayne are both bad picks. I like charles he's underrated and a lot of people don't know about him but he's good. Don't like any of your bench players really except carson palmer; he should have a lot of weapons. I'll give you a 7 out of 10 rating not bad.

What's the most inspirational movie you ever seen?

I have to say that RUDY is mine. After seeing that movie I get so motivated. I also admit, I cried every time I seen it.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

GUYS, would you?????????

Because it is so clear, it takes a longer time to realize it. If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

Would like to find a Excellent affordable mill for my home.?

I recently started a student employment job at the CQ lab where I work. We basically test wheat for bread cookies and noodles. Once a year the Lab gets rid of the flour we mill at the lab. They did when I first started. They asked if I wanted any so I originally took one bag and then my boss convinced me to take another bag. At first I thought that it would take me forever to use up all this flour. Well it turns out that Flour milled at home is way better for baking bread with my bread recipe. So over thanksgiving I made a lot of bread for everyone and now I'm out of flour:(. And my work already gave all their flour away. So I decided I should just buy my own mill. I want a mill mainly for flour but, I can see myself learning to mill other things like herbs and corn for cornmeal. I defiantly want to stay around $200 and possibly creep up if I have to. I want a mill that separates the bran, the shorts, and the flour. So anyone who has any experience or helpful information is appreciated. I would probably bake bread about 2 to 3 times a week. And i'm considering selling it at farmers markets in the summer. Thank you for your help.

Ok what is a pretty name for a little girl starting with a j and it can't be

Judy, Jenna, Jennifer, Jovanna, Joanne, June, Jasmine, Julissa, Jade, Julissa, Jacklyn (or any variation) or Josephine. Jayden or Jaylen

What is a retrograde?

A planet that appears to spin the opposite way it normally orbits. It only occurs, because of how our planet is aligned to the other planets. This was discovered in ancient times.

New to crew---need some info about starting!?

Rowing is a great sport, but it is a really tough sport to learn and a race is just hell. Ive just started rowing last year and im loving it. Rowing is pretty expensive do. I think thats why you all those see preppy guys rowing and stuff. Good to where skins too so you dont get the blade caught on any of your clothing, and dont wear a long shirt otherwise tuck it in so it doesnt get caught in the slide and rip. But if you are small enough to be a coxswain, its good to where lots of warm clothing,But rowing is pretty cool, besides the early mornings.

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder why is beauty in advertising effective?

It can be advertised efficiently because we all have human eyes, and beauty can be scaled down to the average desired appearances.

How do I get my 5 month old to stop sucking her fingers?

My daughter has been using her index and middle fingers as a pacifier for about 2 months. She used to use a regular pacifier but didn't really like it. Due to sucking on her fingers she now has blisters on her tongue and cries, but continues to put her fingers in her mouth. Other than putting mittens on her hands or something else to cover them, is there anything else I can do? Thanks!

Who do you find more attractive?

Brad Pitt, Jake Gyllenhaal, leonardo Dicaprio, Ryan Gosling, Gerard Butler, Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Justin Timberlake.

Beavis n head videos?

Does anyone know where i can download or see the Beavis n Buthead episode "Tainted Meat" and also the episode "Held Back"?

What is a psychological sketch?

I have to do a psychological sketch over macbeth and lady macbeth and I have no idea what that means. Out of the people i've asked no one really knows and the teacher wont explain it either.

Testing for statistical significance with 2 scores?

I am using a formula which calculates z scores based on random v expected conditions. The result is a z score for the group at Time 1 and then at Time 2 along with the standard deviation at each time point. I want to compare the two z scores for statistical significance but cannot use the t-test because I only have two values (I think). I thought calculating the confidence limits might help with this but now I don't even know if this is possible!! Any help is much appreciated on how to test for significance in this case.

How to cut my hair so it looks like...?

Hello, I want to grow my hair out longer like Avan Jogia but I don't know how to get it cut so it will grow like that. Here is a pic of him. Currently my hair looks like this

Who are some actors/actresses that took some time off?

With Mel Gibson returning to the theaters, after having no acting credits on his resume in any year from 2006-2009 is what inspires this question. I know of at least a few more who took extended leaves from the industry. Who else can you think of?

Us army books (jessica lynch)?

i read the book I Am A Soldier Too, the story about jessica lynch, and i really liked the book. does anyone know any other people that are in the army and had something like that happen to them? thanks for helping.

Why do you think Obama's economic poll numbers are so bad? Do people not think there is a "recovery"?

People who have not yet figured out that this brand of hope and change is not what America needed are finally allowing it to creep into their heads; this guy is not the answer and he never was.

Has your dog ever eaten a Christmas ornament?

My puppy has eaten a few ornaments. He never had any problems ping them. As a matter of fact, I've never even seen pieces of the ornaments in his poop. Maybe since the gl on the ornaments is so thin, it's able to break down? Not too sure, but I doubt you have anything to worry about.

How do you ind the rise and run once you find the slope and y-intercept?

if the slope is 4, rise/run is 4/1. if the slope is 2/3, rise/run is 2/3. you will have to be more specific for a better answer.

How would the world be different today if...?

how would the world be different today if a wrinkle in time transported a modern desktop computer system coplete with software and manuals,onto the desk of Adolf Hitler?Albert Einstein?

Where can i find this dress cheaper?

you probably can't find the exact dress anywhere else, but urban outfitters has great sales...just keep your eyes open.

Why do this beggar have a laptop even he lives on the street?check the link inside?

a href=",r:7,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why does the media keep talking about the hostages rescued in colombia?

If you go to a dangerous third world country like colombia dont you get what you deserve? I am not surprised they were kidnapped! to me its not even newsworthy!

Is this a healthy yet funny way to get back at people?

I work at UPS. It's only a part-time gig and I go to school. I'm 28. Some people mae fun of me. That's cool. I have a few buddies at work. However, most of the "kids" I work with are arrogant and immature. So I do this. With my lunch after school and before my grueling sweaty intentense hours workout which include a 6 mile run, I put alot of chopped garlic from the bottle in my fish, salad, or whatever else I may be having that day. So in the gym would sweat u a storm. After my workout is complete, I sit in the sauna for about 12 mins. After that, I have a good 2 to 3 hours before my shift begins. I end up farting alot by then too:). I can see I make some of the "kids" uncomfortable. GOOD!! What do you think of my strategy?

4 and 6 key randomly stopped working on my laptop?

the 4 and 6 key randomly stopped working and i have to press num lock and type them on the right now is it something i pressed or is my laptop just ****

Ramadan : : What do you think of this poem too?

"The best way to share my story is to attach my poem, "Morning Prayer," ... Do you want to sit down and share? I thanked him, no. Aren't you fasting? .... to be: If you think things other than prayers You get for sure a satanic face. ...

Should i get the falcon or jasper xbox 360?

Definitely go for the Jasper, whilst there's no certainty it won't RRoD, it's the most reliable version of 360 yet.

One of my flat mates keeps taking my stuff?

At first I thought I was looking my stuff but the things i've 'lost' have turned up in my flat mates room or on his girlfriend. I've attempted to confront him but he calls me crazy and that i'm seeing things. The others in the flat have seen him do it and have tried to confront him. I've had to throw him out of the flat twice because of his behaviour and because he was getting on everyone's nerves. I don't want to throw him out because then it makes rent and bills more expensive for the rest of us, but if at the end of my wits and I don't have the money to replace �500 worth of stuff which include; my conserves, a locket that used to belong to my grandmother and several hats and scarves. I don't want to get the police iinvolved because then my family will stick their noses in. Is there a way I can get my stuff back and sort him out?

I need help with Shakespeare!!! (Macbeth)?

Here's a link to the complete text of "the Scottish play" online, so you can do the rest of your homework ;-) a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do you know the name of this Freshwater aquarium fish?

Got this fish in Kuwait, Its 2.5 inches oval chubby lil fish, each fish is a different color , like pastel blue, purple,pink, green,yellow. I bought the pastel blue fish and pastel pink fish. They didnt know the name of this fish. Does anyone have a clue as to the species? Silver/white around the black eye.

How do I tell him he's changed? We're not friends but I care about him due to crush...?

I think you said it best in your PPS. So, if you can get him alone in a low key setting, gather your courage and say, "Lukas, there's been something on my mind and I just want to get it out because you've been kind to me in the past and made me realize things about myself and I want to do the same for you because I care about you and about what others think of you" Then the rest of what you wrote.

Help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

my gma's neighbors dogs are crazy there are 4 Dachshund and 2 pembroke welsh corgis and if we go out in are 6ft privacy fence there dogs go nuts i drives me crazy

NEED Help! getting no help from family and am the sole caregiver to grandparents! Cant do this alone!?

their four sons dont want to take responsibility but they dont mind letting the 18 year old grandkid do everything..Apart from the home health people coming out to give them baths....Im on call 24 hours a day between the grandparetns...but I have to eventually get another job (was laid off and trying to look for a job..still looking and trying to juggle gpa in the hospital im the one who has to come up here everyday to tag a doctor down as well as manage to juggle taking care of my grandmother back at the house) ....and want to go to school...but everyone in the family refuses to help...they dont want to upset mommy and daddy...but what im seein is that they need a lot better care than what they have been getting...and if i could afford it would hire someone to sit with them to give me a break! doesnt matter if its 8am 8pm 2pm or 2 am guess whos up helping one of them get out of the bed or go to the bathroom...heck this is the second time and second week my gpa has been in the hospital...I CANNOT HANDLE THIS BY MYSELF~! is there anything that i can do? the rehab ppl who are reviewing his case are basically saying he needs rehab but of course gpa has the option to go home....he can hardly walk.. turning in the bed is a chore and today they are going to put 2 stints in his did i mention if he goes home he is going to soley depend on me! to do EVERYTHING! what if he falls AGAIN! Im not a nurse! As much as I want them to be happy I want what is best for them.... Right now im stuck being the bad guy becasue I want him and even my gma who could use the therapy and make her worry a lot less...(Shes prone to blood clots and she's a worry wort...which means she can become a bit well bickery and guess who gets the whirlwind of emotins) go to the rehab center. because of bad instences with other gparents in nursing homes we are using that as the absolute last resort...SO IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE THAT I CAN DO!!!! could i get power of attorney or something to get them help? im too young to have to be making these decisions or to know really what to do especailly regaurding other peoples futures! but it looks like im the only one who will become the bad guy to get them help! Everyone thinks because ive been here that ill stay here no matter what...and no body has to lift a finger cause someone else is taking up their responsibility..HOW CAN I GET THEIR SONS TO GROW SOME AND HELP!!!! I CANT DO THIS WITHOUT HELP!!

The state has ped law in order to BAN religion from schools.....?

first of all, what state? they can't ban any mention of god - religions (all of them) play a huge part in this conutry's history and banning them would just not be smart. that teacher may have seemed like she was influencing the girls thoughts about religion, which i can see some parents being offended by. there are other ways to councel a child without bringing god into it. as for the santa clause thing - christmas has lost most of its religious affiliation (consiously)... oh well.

What's your favourite song out of these?...?

Bittersweet Symphony The Verve, love that song is brilliant & 2nd would be Bruce Springsteen, not really into Bon Jovi ..

How can i get over a boy?

Well we went out for seven months, (not long) but i loved him. And iw as really happy with him. And then randomly he broke up with me, a little more than a month ago, and then a few days after, he tells me he cheated on me. Im stuck on him, i still love him. But i wont take him back, cause i dont trust him. But geez, i wanna be over him!! HELP!!

Do legal buds (hawaiian haze etc...) actually get you "high"?

I smoke weed daily and am looking for a cheaper alternative, Also was wondering if it would be an easy profit selling it as reg tree.

How many foundations do you find useful in crochet?

Basically there are two foundations for crocheting and they are the circle , which you are doing and the flat, straight across.

Best friend problems PLEASE PLEASE HELP?

If this girl is really that good a friend, lend her enough money to get her back on her feet for a little while. Regarding the modeling thing, that's up to her.

Having symptomatic bradycardia for 10 months. since that is such a long period..does that rule out cad?

suffering dizziness and heart palpitataions for almost a year now. Considering the length of time for that, would that rule out a clogged artery? Hoping it is just an electrical impluse problem...that may be benign. CAD is a possiable cause as well. If it were sino atrial problem...would it cause the chest pain and pain that I sometimes feel in arm. I know CAD would. Heart rate is at 38bpm.

How much can i sell my to airsoft guns for?

I got a Utg l96,mags,red dot scope,bipod and the thing to hook it to the gun,the tools that came with the gun and the scope, and a speed loader... i got this We 1911 Meu gas blow back comes with 2 mags,speed loader, adopter to put a silencer on, propane adopter, and a metal case to carry it..How much can i get for both of this ? They are used. Oh btw! the sniper has no gear box right now it broke so thats out 22 dollars ? How much can i get for both of these on Ebay/craigslist

Can Bush pardon Ted Stevens?

We were talking about this in my office and one person said that Stevens wouldn't be pardoned because he has to exhaust all legal possibilities first, such as an appeal, in order to be pardoned. By the time Stevens has exhausted all legal possibilities, Bush would be out of office. But I thought that giving a pardon is the exclusive right of the Executive Branch and that there aren't restrictions on how and who he pardons. Do you know the rules regarding this? Is my co-worker right?

Does anyone like the name HARVEY or KYLA for my first born?

Kyla is adorable and Harvey seems really old fashion but not out of the norm ,, i am sure what ever name you give your child he or she will live with for the rest of there life one way or another ,, unless they change it ,,, i actually think Harvey is cute ,,and the more you say it the more adorable it sounds ,,,,

Are the outcasts from both Huckleberry Finn and The Great Gatsby successful in shedding their public image?

In Huckleberry Finn Huck is the outcast and in The Great Gatsby Gatsby is the outcast. Do both characters manage to shedd their public image and find personal worth within themselves?

Is it dangerous to eat about 20 eggs per day? (i'm on the atkins diet)?

yea, only 6-7 per weeks is enough. ok if you want go for 10 but no more than 10 a week.try veggies and fresh fruit

How to do makeup like this....? 5 stars best answer :)?

go to YOUTUBE.. there are a lot of make-up tutorials there, they do that step by step so you can surely follow..

What home run derby is on TV right now?

The All-Star home run derby is on Monday, but there is a all-star home run derby on right now. What is it? It's on ESPN. If you look at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a it says it is in New York, the All-Star one is in St. Louis. What home-run derby is this?

Please help me with government!!!! I tried but couldn't find the info. BEST ANSWER!!!?

Please help me with these questions. I can't find the information.Is there any website I could go to? The questions are: How many years of Republican control or Democratic control was in the "House" under President JFK? How many years of Republican control or Democratic control was in the "Senate" under JFK? I also need to answer these questions for Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama. Is there any website? Please let me know. THANKS!!!!!!

What should I be focusing my studies towards majoring in?

I am an 8th grader at a high level college prep school. This year, teachers told us to pick our dream school, and I chose Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island). I know that it is a liberal arts school, and i am inclined towards such majors. I have always had an interest in writing and theatre, but i am concerned about the monetary gain of these specific job options. Basically, i don't want to end up bussing tables with my degree in those fields. I guess I'm asking if I should follow through on my dreams or major in something more practical. Any help would be great. Thanks!

Should i do it?

Take the revenge!! Be loud! Be a man! When she gets up tell her this is what she used to do and you hope she understands how inconsiderate she has been and still is!. Then tell her to get her lazy But in the kitchen and get your lunch ready! If you have the .......

I have some rare military collectibles are they worth anything?

My family inherited a congressional medal given for his pioneering in polar exploration for his part of the "Byrd Exploration of 1930." It is 18 kt gold. And a photo album with approximately 150-200 pictures of the expedition. I am wondering if these are worth any monetary value to a collector or a museum? I have tried to research but came up with nothing, any help would be appreciated.

10,000,000 points to who answers this...but no ill give u the best answer lol ?

Dude, for me to answer these question would take a while. I would have to go to a search for each question - the same think you should be doing. I'm not going to do your homework for you. You better get started. Where I'm at its after 10 PM

Ladies If your favorite actress was 0ver 200 feet tall ?

How would you react to it, and What would you want her to do to if her backside body part her was bigger than ever?

Wuat is the best type of chocolate?

i love milk chocolate too. and i hate dark chocolate lol. White chocolate is just...there. I will eat it but if there is milk chocolate i would eat that first ^_^

Dennis Dixon Heisman frontrunner?

Nah, McFadden is easily the best offensive player in the NCAA hands down, I do agree that this loss should def. help Dixon's case. Was that the backup squad playing tonight?

How can i create a line drawing method?

i am making an os in cosmos and for the gui i need a way to draw a line with a given start point, x and y, and an end point, xEnd and yEnd, and then draw a straight line from one point to the other. so if the Xs are the same it would draw a vertical line but if Xs are different and Ys are different it will draw smooth and equal. ill need the raw source code so like a bunch of loops and algorithms

Should I even visit Phuket, Thailand?

In thailand for about 8 days. Definitely spending 3-4 days in Bangkok, should I make the trouble of heading over to Phuket by train? will then be heading back home from Phuket, which is a lot more expensive than heading home from bangkok. Since I am a student on a moderate budget, should I instead just explore beaches closer to bangkok? Will I get more bang for my buck that way? Or is Phuket worth the price tag? I definitely want some nice clean beaches to swim and dive, nice people and parties dont hurt either....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Which one of these video games should I buy?

I would go with, like you said, Hunted: The Demon's Forge. L.A. Noire, although graphics and story being great, was 20 hours of the same thing over and over again. And Brink was a giant flop made more for multiplayer.

What is the least amount of carbs I should eat in one day?

I am on a low carb diet and it is working. But I want to make sure that I am not hurting my self from not getting enough carbs. I'm not eating all of the meat that Atkins says that you can eat. I don't eat any red meat.

My boyfriend got arrested at school...?

I was sick today so I don't know exactly what happened but from what my friends told me, my boyfriend is in a lot of trouble. My friend, Jess, is in his geometry cl. The teacher hates him. She said he came into cl extremely high. Jess said they could clearly see he was stoned and he smelled terribly of marijuana. She said the teacher called A House (the place students get sent to when they are in trouble) and sent him there. Another friend of mine, Casey, was in the hallway, ping A House at the time. Casey said he showed up and the school cop was waiting for him. She says as soon as he stepped in and realized what was happening, he ran out the door. A couple kids told me over IM that the cop chased him right out the door of school and tackled him in the parking lot and arrested him with handcuffs and everything. I was just wondering where he is now? Is he like in juvie? My sister told me they probably put him in a psych ward of a hospital? Was she just being mean or could he really be there? How long do you think he will be wherever he is and what's going to happen when he gets out? I'm so worried about him. This wasn't his first time being high at school, its happened a couple times before but he's never been arrested for it. The teachers never did anything about it before. I mean I know he was high and everything, but why did they wait until like the tenth time its happened? He is sixteen if that has anything to do with where he is now.

Police dog unleashed on innocent children and a handcuffed man... What should happen to the officer?

If this story is accurate I think the police officer should be reprimanded. If the person was already restrained and he released a dog on it which obviously can't tell the difference between children and a restrained man, then someone needs to learn some restraint and common sense. I think certain law enforcement agencies (not all) are given way too much power and way too little training. Having a badge and 60 hours from a community college or some experience in the military might not cut it. Maybe stiffer requirements should be required of all officers, like, hmmm, maybe a minimum of a bachelor's degree and 1 year of training??

Thesis for research paper on the light and dark themes of Macbeth ?

Yeah, your thesis is weak. Pick a specific light theme and a specific dark theme to focus on. Sometimes, saying less is more.

What is more effective and efficient, democracy dictatorship ? Argue why democracy is more effective and etc.?

Dictatorships are always more efficient than democracies. How else could Stalin and Hitler kill millions so efficiently?

How can I clear my nose up?

I've been struggling since last night with a bad case of bronchitis. And my nose is so plugged up I have to breathe through my mouth, which irritates my lungs and makes me cough. I can't sleep at all and I have a cl tomorrow. The main reason I can't sleep is because I am unable to fall asleep with my mouth open. Which is the only way I can breathe at the moment. I'm really in a bind right now, even after taking tons of medicine and my prescription. What can I do? =(


Hi i need an anime with really cute/y guys? you know...have you watched Kamichama Karin Chu? Or Gakuen Alice? Or 07- Ghost? i Want a guy like that in the anime. I want the girl to be kinda like Kirarin Revolution, Mamotte Lollipop, umm you know a girl whos cute but really y and beautiful? and the guy to be kinda dangerous but i want him to be cute/y/ hot??? get what im saying? and i want it to be a good plot for the ANIME. Iwant it to be funny, romantic, cute, alot of FANTASY!, MAGIC, action... ok im really picky but hey...who isnt? anyways thank you!! ( eventhough im saying thank you before you have answered my question....) anyways please help me i really need help o and i dont mind something liuke Janjou Romantica...! anywways ARIGATO!

Air conditioner problems!?

Yesterday our air wasn't working and when I checked the fan outside I noticed there was ice buildup around the hoses leading to the house. To try and thaw the system, I changed the temperature setting on the thermostat from "cool" to "off", and changed the fan setting from "auto" to "on". I let that run for about 3 hours and when I turned the a/c back on it seemed to be working properly again. I also put in a new filter. A few hours later it stopped again but there is no ice buildup this time. Very little air is coming out of the vents. Did I not thaw the system properly or could there be another problem?

Was Dontrelle Willis ever that good? Why can't he throw strikes anymore?

He had all of the potential to be a great pitcher but he blew out his arm. It's a common story of potential great players. It will be interesting to see if Strasburg recovers to his full potential.

What do you prefer linkin park,lostprophets or foo fighters,and what are their favourite songs?

Linkin Park kinda sucks, Shinobi vs. the Dragon Ninja(Lost Prophets) Is awesome, but Foo Fighters is the best.

Memory foam mattress woes?

memory foam are basically to give relief to your back and neck..rather using memory foam mattress you can try memory foam pillows. If u didn't feel relax you can return it.

Are You Aware that Jimmy Carter is Corrupt?

Jimmy Carter approved the questionable election of Hugo Chavez, are you aware tht he was paid $10 million for this approval?

Authors using arabesque and grotesque?

i'm studing edgar allan poe in my cp lit cl and we're discussing his use of arabesque and grotesque. i was just wondering why people use ara. and grot. to describe the same thing? is it just to create a bigger contrast in their descriptions and to show the double-sidedness of some situations and objects? if you have a better way of describing it for me to more easily understand it please let me know!

Snowboard Re waxing? ................?

You do not have to sc the old wax before you put new wax on. You should use an iron, the correct wax for the temp. where you will be using your board, a scr, and a buffing brush. You should sc the all the wax off after it cools & buff your board. I would suggest that you save your pennies for a week or two and take the board to your closest shop. They will wax it for less than $20.

What was the status of women in Arabic Society before the birth of Muhammad?

Well he promoted women's right. But then again, he was one man...and look at the Muslims...they have 4 wives, but won't give any of em rights. Gosh!!

Im buying two razorback musk turtles but what should i feed them.?

well im buying a razorback musk turtle ive got a 120 liter tank with not that much plants or pebbles i have a large basking area the water is 24oc and air Temperature around 26oc but my tank doesnt look very gd for them and what do i feed them

In cooking mama for iPhone when you are stewing how do you mix?

When the directions are scrolling at the top and it says mix or stir I can't make the spoon move. What are you supposed to do?

Tiara tattoo?

i want to get a tattoo of a tiara and i know nicole richie has one. if anyone knows where i can find a picture of it, can you please send me the link, i cant find it anywhere. i would greatly appreciate it.

Is ephedrine ok for type 2 diabetics to use?

I am doing a research paper and need to know if using herbal supplements accompanied by a balanced diet is a good road to go. or if the atkins diet is better. Or if a high fiber low sugar low saturated fat diet is best.

Looking 4 a movie cant remember title?

It would depend what decade it was made in. There are several movies with a similar biker theme. A lot of them were of the "Drive-in" genre...

Is dissociative identity disorder hereditary?

It probably has a hereditary factor, but it isn't a true hereditary disease. In other words, you can't point to a gene or set of genes and say "when those are active, they have this disorder"... but with twin studies you can say "there is something hereditary that makes having this more likely".

Have you heard the song Stereo Love?

the only one i know is by edward maya. Have you tried googling it with quotes are the part of lyrics you know?

Spoliarium painting?

aside from the common interpretation of this painting, which is, the canvas depicts a chamber beneath a Roman arena, where bodies of dead gladiators are being dragged into a shadowy area, presumably to be put in a bigger pile of dead bodies, what is your own interpretation of the painting?

Monday, August 8, 2011

So, basically, from a scientific point of view...?

Not exactly. We all have one common ancestor making us variations of the same, original group meaning we're all the same species and, at the end of the day, the same people if you go back far enough. We are not, however, all mixed. If you peel back the DNA far enough in white groups, according to science, you will find at base level the same dna that you will find at base in black groups. You will not find DNA ociated with white groups in blacks unless they are truly mixed.

18 and still a virgin? A bit odd?

Not everyone is the same,so stop thinking of what you think is odd. There is no normal age to loose your virginity. You have your head screwed on, your principles are sound. Just go with what feels right for you, and not what others think.

Mudcracks in a fine grained, silty sandstone indicates that during the depositional process?

B. Mudcracks are indicative of dessication (drying out). Imagine a dried out river bed - that's what you'll find on the surface of a dessicated deposit.

Is the quran a book of the prophet mohammed?

The Quran is a book of the prophet mohammed. It is not inspired by God, the Father of Jesus Christ who are two members of the Holy Trinity. The God of the Holy Trinity is a God of love. The prophet mohammed speaks of death to unbelievers. My God did not tell one group of people one thing and another group something just the opposite. So whether you are Christian or Muslim, don't think for one minute that we worship the same God.

Is it worth it to go to this private college?

I got accepted to my dream college, which is about 30,000 a year. There are many reasons why I want to go here such as: I feel like I can make better career connections, religious affiliation, location, etc. I only received about half off tuition in scholarships/grants. Is it worth it to take out 15,00 dollars worth in federal loans?? I would probably major in English or Business, because I'm not too good at science, but average at math and really really good at English.

How much money does a U2 concert ticket cost in Arlington, TX?

There are three different price levels for four different locations. General admission is ~$55. In the nosebleed seats, there are ~$30 and ~$55 seats. The seats in between nosebleeds and front row in the lowest level will be either ~$95 or ~$250 depending on the location of the seat. I hope this helps!

Characteristics of Gandhi and Hinduism?

Unlike Americans, Indians under the leadership of Gandhi have 'humiliated' and not defeated British for Independence.

How do i ask a girl out? help?

im 17 and this girl goes to my college, shes 1 year older but iknow she likes me, whenever i walk past her in the corridor or common room shes always staring. my mate noticed and said he thinks she likes me to. im so shy but i dnt wanna live the rest of my life thinking what if. any advice will be much appreciated.

Cover Letter & Resume Help?

What I see right away is that while your list of duties is impressive, you don't have any achievements listed. Employers like knowing how you helped a company, even if it is something small. If you'd like my services, please visit my website: a href="" rel="nofollow"

My house caught fire March 1st. Unfortunately I did not have renters insurance because i got hurt on the job?

i have not been getting workmans comp. and my job is trying to terminate me. i stay in a cooperative ( co-op) and the management companys insurance investigator determined that the fire was not my fault and that it was the furnace or a bad pipe. the management company says they will pay for the building but not my personal property. can they do that? is the management company responsible or the co-op? should i get a lawyer? because they are being very uncooperative, unprofessional, and have know compion. what should i do?

Burning sensation on my hand?

Over the last of couple of weeks I have been getting a burning sensation on my hand.It is between the base of my thumb and my wrist.It is not at all painfull and dosen't last for very long but it is bugging me what this could be.

Is there any contact info for the instructors that teach wlc in iraq/kuwait?

WLC isn't taught in Kuwait or Iraq. It is taught in CONUS, Europe, and Korea. You can go on ATTRS to see the exact locations they are taught but your schools NCO has to enroll you.

A free software which would record any sound played in the computer without the use of any additionahardware?

pls if possible also tell the link in which it is available. better if it is pls tell the exact name of the software. it should be freeware.

Which Pitcher Should I Drop?

I'd definitely drop Weaver. Shields will get you a lot more Ks and a lower WHIP. Their wins are about equal (Shields has one more than Weaver), so you're not losing much by dropping Weaver.

Comic releif good ideas?

last year i dressed in pj's to go to school and the year before i did a sponsored silence. does anyone have any good and different ideas to do in school for comic releif, (it has to be something that's allowed in school and nothing like waxing or shaving please). we were talkkin about everytime someone says an animal we have to make the noice e.g "COW" would be "MOO" is that stupid any more ideas?x

Do you wish you would have exercised more or less when you were younger?

I played organized sports, mostly softball right up until I was 26 and stopped only because I was pregnant. After that I was in a gym 4-5 times a week, and had a NordicTrak in my basement for the days I couldn't make it to the gym. I remember doing Jane Fonda step aerobics in the family room with my 7 year-old daughter...she loved it and had her own little workout outfit to match mine. I continued this until about five years ago when a slipped disc, and subsequent spinal arthritis put an end to that. Now I can barely bend at the waist, but my doctor tells me that, thankfully, because of my healthy routines when I was younger...other than my back problems, which I can deal with...I'm healthy as a horse (whatever THAT means). At 53, she says my bones are as strong as someone half my age...the arthritis just doesn't allow for mobility. My heart..even with a prolapsed mitral valve is healthier than expected.

Communism and socialism the difference?

"Socalism leads to communism", it is about making profit off of other people's labour while not producing as much, and even by force.

What are the methods used in gestalt psycholgy?

I know they use the rule of abstinence.Is it the only method?or they have more.if yes,pls reply and type it down.tnx in advance.i really need this.bec. i don't have any budgets for books

I have a bump on my shin from about 4 weeks ago what is it?

It happened while I was kickboxing. It doesn't hurt much but If you press on it hard or knock on it it does hurt a little bit. Its fairly hard and is about a 1/4 of an inch big. Is this anything I should worry about or do something to fix. I know if I get kicked there again or block a kick in that spot the pain would come back. Anyone have anything like this?

Is my bf lying to me about his age on his NY license?

Hello I am 23 years old and I live in New Jersey. My bf told me he was 32 and his license says 36. I confronted him about it more than once and he told me that he was not lying but that when he was younger he forged a birth certificate to get his license early. He agreed that he would prove it by getting a fresh certificate from the town hall with me. He told me that today so we'll see. Also we are going to get married. Should I be wary of this license matter? Is there some way that his fake license would be legit since it is a real license? His license is from NY? I just don't understand this with the dmv so hard on people trying to get a license. Is what he has been telling me possibly true?

Which tyres should i buy?

I do about the same mileage as you, I have always gone for middle range. It pays in these times to search around for the best prices. So go for the middle of the road tyres.

Does anyone doubt we will have to attack Iran soon?

None bush doesnt have enough time and Osama is to much of a coward to do whats right & what we should have done a long time ago. If anyone is gonna attack Iran & I doubt it it will be Isreal there already hated by Iran and have been working plans to do so for years but it won't happen. At this point it would just cause more problems even if it was successful..

What do you think of the name Sadie?

name her Jensen Nicole. i met someone named Jensen and I love the name. It has a great meaning as well. Sadie is a very popular dog name.

Can some one make sense of this line ,,,?

or rephrase the line for me .. I knew that 'you're an only child as am I, but 'I've this innate capacity to call 'you my brother

Who wins 2003 San Antonio Spurs.vs.2008 Boston Celtics in a 7 game series?

2003 Spurs in 7. In my opinion the spurs are a much better team from 1-12 even if they are against the big 3. Tony parker is a premier PG compared Rondo and Jackson is a pretty good overall SG compared to Allen. Bowen will be the best defendr on the floor and pierce (finals MVP) wont be able to shake him.Tim Duncan will also be the best player on the floor and was great back then.Also for the most part i think the spurs will be younger cause back then Duncan was in his prime and Tony and Manu were very young.Also Gregg Popovich can outcoach Doc anyday......

Is there a point system on your website so when the administrators give you points it saves it?

So like, I have a website, but i want to add a point or something system so that they can earn those points and use those points to unlock specific things that needs to be unlocked? and so that if i the administrators and the moderators give them points, it shows them it? And how they earn it from doing other stuff?

Why is Gandhi worshipped but Godse hated?

It is not true. Godse is not hated. He is admired even today for his courage and leadership that saved the the image of many leaders who were behind him. The real motive was not Gandhi. It was to eradicate the Muslims from India. Godse wrote Ismail on his arms before shooting Gandihi. Fortunately he was identified there only. Thousands of lives of Muslims saved at that time. The mission was a failure. So people may act like hating Godse.

After MEPS and they did a background check, as a DEPer before basic?

whether or not they drop you from being able to enlist depends on what you lied about. But, honestly, you shouldnt have lied because if its something that is on your background check or that you can not hide they will find out and you will just have to deal with it later. if they find a problem your recruiter will call you and let you know whats happening. or you could always call your recruiter first and see whats going on with it. They won't send you to basic if you lied and they find out about it and its something they won't except. Just wait and see what comes of it,

Why do black people defend OJ Simpson?

When it's pretty obvious he murdered his wife. The jury was just trying to be PC and avoid another L.A. Riots.

Is my first PC build compatible?

I'd just get the retail version of your CPU. No sense in spending $40 on a crappy extra one. Just get the retail one, then wait for a better one to come out. The rest of it looks fine.

How do I convert a TBI (throttle body) engine into a fuel injected engine?

A TBI is fuel injected, just at the wrong end of the intake manifold. It really wouldn't help with that motor and K body. You'd waste way more money than you could get back on fuel savings before that car finally expired.

How long can you keep chicken that has been thawed in the fridge?

I don't think it will be alright- I mean, I'm not exactly sure, but I think I've heard that if you thaw something in the microwave- you should cook it straight away- I'd be a bit worried if it just sat in the microwave for a few hours- sorry

If a woman is promiscuous and does know who her child's father is, is she a bad mother? If this was your?

mother would you fell shame anger or resentment? Why or why not? Plus do you think that if the children of the women on the Maury Show would be embared if they saw their mothers on the show? Do you think kids would make fun of them? Please explain you answers.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

17 again quote, help?

It's toward the end of the movie when Matthew Perry's character runs after scarlet and it starts off with "I know I've been angry for the past 20 years..." Or something like that. Does anyone happen to know the full quote? Thanks.

In what movie did a kid rub Olay in his baseball glove and chant "olay, olay, olay, olay"?

I can't remember the name of the movie but, basically the scene that I'm thinking of is a kid, probably like 6-8 rubbing Olay cream into his baseball glove to loosen it? I guess. He's sitting in the foyer of his house and he's throwing the glove up in the air and playing around, I'm not really sure if this is what he's doing but this is what I remember. Anyway, he's rubbing it in and chanting "olay, olay, olay" (like the soccer chant). For the longest time I thought it was in the movie Beethoven (the one with the dog), but I recently found out I was wrong. What the hell movie is this from?

Im attracted to my 2nd cousin.?

what do i do if im attracted to my is that wierd...or bad??..lke its wrong to have a crush on them nd date them but im attracted to him..haha...?is thattt wierd?

What forced certain reptiles to become amphibious?

Reptiles evolved as a link in the progress of animals towards terrestrial mode of life.But reptiles like turtle,crocodile etc. are amphibious..

Dear HILLARY-Please name ONE COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP that ever freed it's people because it GOT TOO RICH? One?

Yet China can have NO OTHER future than that of peace and democracy if one listens to the "wisdom" of the day. That Wal-Mart's daily profiteering from and investing in Communism for two decades, with both Clinton's help, to avoid living wages at home and undermine American labor, enriching and saving a failed regime that murdered tens of millions of it's own people to maximize company profit is GOOD for the Chinese people!? This argument is as stupid and insulting today as it ever was and sadly even educated and well-meaning people puke the Hillary line despite all our expense. Wake up please, WAKE UP! Hillary and Bill Clinton, Robson and Jim Walton and David Gl and Lee Scott are trraiters and should meet justice and WAL-MART IS AN OPERATING NATIONAL SECURITY RISK THAT MUST BE DISMANTLED! The future of the free world is at stake. If you choose to defend these people then first answer my question. You cant free a slave by enriching the owner so please stop erting that stupidity!