Saturday, August 13, 2011

My parents dont seem to think im capable of being a mum and living independently?

im 19 and have lived in my own house with my partner for the last 2 years. i have always been mature for my age and responsible and have proven that even more since having my own house. i pay the rent every month on time, i pay all the bills, keep the house in perfect condition, take care of everything that needs doing around the house,etc. then last year i had my daughter( now 13 months) and have done a brilliant job. she is always clean, fed, happy, healthy, i spend every minute i can with her and bring up to be the best she can. my parents never deny this, but they always seem to tell me what i should and shouldnt be doing with her and undermine decisions that i make and things i do with her. for example, il put my daughter down to walk around, and my mum will insist on picking her up every minute of the day because she doesnt feel it is safe to let her walk around everywhere, or il give her something and my mum will take it off her saying its not right. i went to take her to feed the ducks the other day and my mum didnt feel at ease about it incase i let her fall in the water. if i tell her no or stop her throwing a tantrum by giving her time out my mum will go in and pick her up.i have a dog and im slowly letting him get used to her and know how to behave with her but my mum insists on putting him out in another room and wont let him go near is the same with the house, they tell me this is isnt clean, this needs doing, that needs putting away, why isnt this done. i know it might seem really petty and my parents are wonderful and always there for me, but it just seems as though they dont trust me to make decisions on my own and trust my judgement with things and let me be the parent. they make me feel like im still a child living at home that relies on them to do everything still and i just wish they would understand that im independent now and a mother. but i dont know how to go about this because i know if i said anything they would feel sneep them?

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