Thursday, August 11, 2011

Would like to find a Excellent affordable mill for my home.?

I recently started a student employment job at the CQ lab where I work. We basically test wheat for bread cookies and noodles. Once a year the Lab gets rid of the flour we mill at the lab. They did when I first started. They asked if I wanted any so I originally took one bag and then my boss convinced me to take another bag. At first I thought that it would take me forever to use up all this flour. Well it turns out that Flour milled at home is way better for baking bread with my bread recipe. So over thanksgiving I made a lot of bread for everyone and now I'm out of flour:(. And my work already gave all their flour away. So I decided I should just buy my own mill. I want a mill mainly for flour but, I can see myself learning to mill other things like herbs and corn for cornmeal. I defiantly want to stay around $200 and possibly creep up if I have to. I want a mill that separates the bran, the shorts, and the flour. So anyone who has any experience or helpful information is appreciated. I would probably bake bread about 2 to 3 times a week. And i'm considering selling it at farmers markets in the summer. Thank you for your help.

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