Friday, August 12, 2011

Girls, please help me to understand, what is she thinking?

How is it that a girl who is as beautiful as she is intelligent, who can beef up your motor and yet cook a mean pineapple pie, a girl who can set up a LAN network and still crochet a blanket, one who loves Shakespeare and yet surf just as good as most guys, how can she be so ignorant, gullible, and na�ve to think that someone she met on the internet can offer her any more than a platonic relationship? How can a girl so full of life, who can have any guy she wants, settle for someone online. Come on girls, do you really think an "on - line relationship" can really be anything else? He's just gonna use her, I know he will... he'll probably broke her heart again, did it once, why not again when she stills comes back for more? What's wrong with this picture?

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