Sunday, August 14, 2011

I don't know what to do with my dad. Help?

I feel your pain, at 14 years of age you are just beginning to see what the world has to offer you. To take the next step would be to invite your boy friend and his parents over to your home. Let your parents know you want to be up front and honest with them, no more sneaking around behind their back. Respect your father and mothers wishes for now, because the next 4 years could be your worst. They love you very much, that is a blessing in its self, show them honor and respect and they will show you the same. Any time you want to see your boyfriend invite him to your home, let them get to know him better. If your parents can see that he truly cares about you and is respectful to them that will help. Your Mother shouldn't have to take sides. Just be yourself but most of all be honest about everything you are and do. If you can't tell your parents what you are doing than you have no business doing it. Good luck!

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