Friday, August 12, 2011

Due to my hot tempered,can my g.friend hate me?

infact we were 2gether since one year several month,,,4 the first 5month nearly everyday i did met her as i were at her place without the consern of her parent...everything was fights,,nothing..exactly on the 24 december,accidently her parent saw me in her room..stuff wasn;t tht great but later on everythig was fine...from that day we brake on seeing each other everyday and a guy..each eveery second i can get somenthing to do..the distance betwn us started to create...fights occured 4 silly day i did slapped her..but since i regret..av asked 4 my pardon..i knew my anger wouldd go far and one day i heard that he was in touch with a guy..that my is so little that i ant want words to describ him..that guy did knew that my g.friend was affected emotionnally and he did all he could to separe us..i sorted this problem with her parent>>>we talked talked to her and finally she realise that she was wrong....that jerk he knew him 4 one month,...means u want knew someone 4 one month,,,yesterday we dated out,...i did spend a lot on giving her gifts etc....i felt she rreally want me....she likes her parent and promised that she will change.....i knew somhow she is realising that she is guilty and that he hurted me...she did even falls on my feet and asked for pardon.........somhow i knew she wants to change but i got something that makes me doupt,sick.............all the stuff hapening can it be a fasade?????how can i knew whts happening more things..she says that she already ended that realation with tht jerk but she dont want break tht friendship as that jerk somehow did encourage her somewhere when she was desperated>>>>>......

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